Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What a Great Day!

Sometimes as I get older, I think of the notable events that happened in my life time. The tides seem to swing back and forth, and hopelessness and despair (so far) always seems to resolve to hope and new beginnings again, eventually.

I wasn’t there, but I read of Winston Churchill’s speech in Columbia, Missouri, where he told of the terrible “Iron Curtain” descending over Eastern Europe. I have little doubt he would be aghast to know that his beloved America, the country of his mother’s birth, is now in the Iron Curtain business.

In history, walls are mostly built by corrupt, authoritarian dictatorships to keep people from crossing the border easily. North Korea and Cuba come to mind.

I remember when East Germany built their wall around East Berlin. How for decades people struggled and died trying to get to the other side of that wall. Free countries didn’t build walls. They welcomed their neighbors with open arms.

I remember when that wall came down in East Berlin. Thousands of young people spent all night hammering and hacking at that wall. When they got it torn down there was laughter and hugs and dancing in the streets. A hell of a lot of beer and schnapps went down the hatch that day.

I am sure that someday, when the world comes to its senses again, there will be such a celebration on our southern border. I bet there will be a run on oxy-acetylene rigs for two thousand miles. The price of steel will drop so far that people will give it away. Some enterprising people will cut up little pieces to sell as souvenirs. 

There will be a fiesta as has never been seen before, with tequila, cerveza and tacos forever. The dancing in the streets will go on for days. What a wonderful time that will be!

Someday, somehow, people will lose the hate that has possessed their souls in this present age, and will rediscover the teachings of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and the rest of the ancient prophets, who all said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” “The kingdom of God is inside you.” “You must have Love in your heart.” “God is Love.” “Feed hungry people.” “Shelter the homeless.” “Do to others as you as you want them to do to you.”  

That will be heaven on earth!