Friday, June 13, 2014

In case somebody thought I was just another Liberal.

I was once the Chairman of the Democratic Party in Humboldt County here in Nevada. Now, years afterward, my email box is inundated daily with pleas from party leaders all over the country from almost every state in the union begging for more money. I’m sure the other party does the same thing.

I’m hoping that both parties look at the defenestration of Eric Cantor and learn the right lesson. Because of Citizens United--because of Soros and the Koch brothers--because of the obscene amounts of money being poured into elections, it has become apparent to almost everyone that both parties are run by big business, big banks and Wall Street crooks.

Eric Cantor spent upwards of $5,000,000 on his campaign, and his obscure opponent spent about $200,000 and beat him overwhelmingly. I am hoping this happens hundreds of times more in the near future. How many lying, screaming, obnoxious TV and radio ads must a voter be subjected to until he changes his mind. Will he vote for the ad or against it?

What has happened, in my view, is that the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party has moved so far to the right and the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party has moved so far to the left of the political spectrum that they are nearing a meeting on the far side of the circle. That side of the circle is derisively called “populism” by both party’s leaders. The word derives from “people” and it should scare hell out of both party’s elites. All their money will not help them when the people wake up. It may be happening now!

The people are tired of being robbed of their homes, losing their retirement savings, and being buried in debt from predatory lenders and high college tuition. People are sick to death watching the government under both parties cater solicitously to the wealthy with massive bailouts and tax write offs, while at the same time demanding cuts to pay and benefits from ordinary working people.

Without naming names, I would suggest to both parties that they stop sidling up to rich donors and old party hacks, get out of Washington and go find out what people want. They wanted change last time and they didn’t get it. The people are not going to settle for just hope again!

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