Thursday, September 28, 2017

Hugh Hefner died

Rich Higbee It was invented to keep the poor in line for the rich.

Andrew Arvans LOL Well I don't know about that Rich. I think a better way to describe it would be how Mark Twain said it. But yours does have some truth. But where ever this creep is I'm sure it isn't what he is used to.

Rich Higbee Twain is correct. Hef was a great man definitely not a creep

Andrew Arvans The worst kind of creep.

Donald Rogers I credit Hefner and Playboy for changing me from a self-righteous ignorant religious know nothing into someone my wife could love for 48 years. I learned how to love a woman from reading Playboy.

Andrew Arvans My problem with him is I don't believe an 80 year old man should be sleeping with 18 year old girls. It runs along the lines of pedophilia. My thoughts of his publications for his corporations is not the problem. Him sleeping with the young employees to move up and get special treatment throws the whole "treat woman equal" from the 60s movement backwards. I feel it sends the message to younger woman that this is the way to get ahead in life. The bottom line is in my way of thinking that if a man is having sex with a woman 60 years younger than him...he is a pervert.

Donald Rogers Where would you put the cutoff age? 18 is legal in most states, and it's the woman's choice, as far as I can tell. I personally would like to have seen more commitment and depth to his relationships, but I think that about most people I know.

Andrew Arvans Well lets go in order here. First what the hell does a cut off age really mean; in your way off thinking as per your comment is what is legal. This is what you based your reasoning on. So if it is only by law, then any age is okay if the law says so. I hope you can see something wrong with that. Second you mentioned "it's the woman choice"; think about that...I have always heard it's a 30 year old woman's choice, or it's an 18 year old girls girls choice. So where do you put the cut off? He is dead so now his only commitment is to the Devil.

Debbie Kern Andrew Arvans He used men as well as women. He preached that a guy could/would get laid (any time he wanted) as long as he had the right (expensive) car, stereo system, house/apartment...the right clothes or the right pick up line. He gave the impression that women were stupid and could and should be lured into having sex. He lured women with money and allowed many to live in his mansion. He has a long list of women that he's "had a relationship" with.

Debbie Kern One of the women he used was recently on the tv show Catfish. She had been reduced to making her living as a stripper.

Debbie Kern If he had any last words for any men who idolized/liked him... I think those words would be "BOOM"!!!! GOT'CHA"!!!!!!!

Andrew Arvans You said it well Debbie. He was a man who was absolutely the term of a male chauvinistic pig. He thought woman were a mans play thing. Funny thing I see a lot of Democrats on here showing their respects. He was what they claim to hate.

Andrew Arvans He ruined a lot of lives while helping a very few. Young girls with drugs and fast lifestyle think it is forever. After they are used and dumped they do what they have to.

Debbie Kern The only thing he proved about himself is that he was a user of both men and women, and that he was sooo screwed up that he couldn't maintain a healthy relationship with anyone.

Donald Rogers Lots of good arguments here by both of you, but mostly against a straw man. Yes, he did use some women. Others he made executives of his business, including his daughter as CEO for the last twenty years or so. Some women used him and his magazine to become rich and famous.

Donald Rogers As for the arguments on the age of consent, or what is possible to legislate, I don't have a clue. Jerry Lee Lewis was criticized for marrying his 13 year old cousin, legal with parents consent then. Is it the spread we should be concerned with? If 80 with an eighteen year old is too much, how about 60 with 20? What if it's the woman who is older? How about that teacher who became pregnant with a 12 year old student, was jailed for several years, and then when she got out, they got married and had more kids. I don't have any answers for you. But I know better than to think I can tell other adults what they can and cannot do.

Andrew Arvans That is part of any business. I'm just glad he didn't start out as a daycare provider, he would be cuddling all the 4 year old's to sleep. He was creepy! I did a non biased and factual essay on him for a writing class, and at the end was shocked at this man.

Donald Rogers The bottom line for me is that he created a revolution of sexual mores in the world. I think for the better. Before him, most men had no idea that there was anything more to sex than what they learned in the barnyard. Many, if not most women had never heard of an orgasm, let alone experienced one. He expounded eloquently the idea that a real man made sure his woman enjoyed the experience at least as much as he did. If more people broke up their loveless marriages after the sexual revolution, many more found happiness and pleasure in their marriage. My wife made sure that my subscription to Playboy never expired.

Debbie Kern Maybe there are some men who need porn...hard or "perform"

Donald Rogers Possible, but I wouldn't know. I'm 74, and haven't had that problem. I also know that my "perfomance" is not totally reliant on just one part of me.

Andrew Arvans Goes way beyond that for this one.

Donald Rogers Ya'll are making me feel young again! I haven't enjoyed a discussion on this topic since Sharron Angle and I had an editorial page discussion in the Winnemucca newspaper on her marching from video store to video store trying to make them stop renting soft-core porn, even to married couples.

Andrew Arvans 

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