Wednesday, January 17, 2018


I am very disappointed in the NRA. Years ago I was a Libertarian, and was a firm believer in the Second Amendment. I knew it was not about citizen rights for hunting, or target practice. It was about defending ourselves from a government that became tyrannical, and no longer followed the will of the majority of its citizens. The Second Amendment was the one that guaranteed all the others, like a free press, or the right to assemble, or the right to print the news without censorship.

Well, where are you, NRA? Our government is attacking the free press, and touting “news” that is totally pro-government propaganda. They are shooting street protesters, beating them with clubs, arresting them just for standing there, and smashing cameras of reporters who are trying to cover the protest.

Worst of all, they are instituting the same ugly policies against “undesirables” that Nazi Germany did eighty years ago. They are shooting unarmed people with impunity, just as the SS did. They are deporting thousands of people every day, without a whimper from our NRA “patriots.” 

“Law and order” you say? When Hitler did it he did it legally also. He also got laws passed to prevent a path to citizenship for Jews in Germany. But we’re not sending them to death camps, are we? Neither did Hitler, at least not so you’d notice. He told the Germans that they were just deporting them “to the East”. He didn’t tell anybody about the death camps in Poland. We are not being told of the people who are being killed in Mexico, Honduras, San Salvador and Nicaragua, either.

So if you think that Americans would never allow something to happen in the United States like happened in Germany back then, don’t kid yourselves. The Nazis are back, waving their flags, spewing their hate, and American citizens, NRA “patriots”, good Christians all, just like the Germans, are doing the same thing the German population did. They are either cowering in the woods with their weapons, or helping the government by turning in their neighbors.

You do remember that Anne Frank was turned in by a neighbor just doing her patriotic duty, don’t you? We have to uphold the law, we can’t provide cover and sanctuary to those the government wants to deport, can we? 

We are no worse and no better than the Germans eighty years ago. We are the same.

 “ We have met the enemy, and it is us!”

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